Investment Advisory Portfolios (IAP)

What are Investment Advisory Portfolios?

Investment Advisory Portfolios are research-backed advisory baskets that aim to deliver risk-adjusted returns absolutely, relatively & consistently. IAP investing provides investors an unique opportunity for active professional investment advisory required for long-term wealth-creation while allowing the flexibility to decide to take action on the advisory or not as well as direct ownership of stocks.

Why Narnolia IAP?


Designed to retain the flexibility of direct ownership for Wealth Creation


Provides the discipline, professional competency, and long term approach similar to that of a Mutual Fund/PMS


Empowers the individual investor with the power of Award-Winning, Multi-Asset, Multi-Strategy Research

  • More transparent than mutual fundsStocks reflect in your demat account, no inter scheme holding manipulation
  • Invest at prevailing market price In mutual funds the investor get day-end or next day NAV
  • Other BenefitsWider choice of investment, no exit load etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

Narnolia Investment Advisory Portfolios (NS IAP) are research – backed advisory baskets that aim to deliver superior risk adjusted returns absolutely, relatively & consistently. Narnolia IAPs are designed to provide discipline, professional competency and long term approach similar to that of Mutual Funds & PMS while retaining the flexibility of direct ownership of stocks, for long-term wealth creation.

You can select the NS IAP Portfolio and go through the details of the Portfolio’s Investment Strategy, risk returns and make an informed decision to invest in the selected portfolio based on your risk and returns objectives. NS IAP Portfolios go through various research filters according to Narnolia’s Investment philosophy and processes, so that you don’t need to worry about making individual investment decisions to achieve your investment goals.

Dividends in any of the underlying constituent stocks in the NS IAP Portfolio will be credited directly to your bank account. You can track your dividends by logging into the Broker's platform -> Select Invested Portfolio -> Activity -> Dividend History. The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance.

In order to invest in NS IAP, you need to have an active Trading & Demat account with any of our Broker Distribution Partners. Post-that, you can follow the simple steps mentioned below to start investing

  1. I. Login to Broker’s Website > from the menu select “Investment Advisory Portfolios” > login using your trading a/c login credentials > select the NS IAP Portfolio you want to invest in.
  2. II. Finish your one-time registration with Narnolia in 4 Simple Steps: KYC Verification, Risk Profiling, Aadhar Based E-Signed Investment Advisory Agreement, and E-Mandate.
  3. III. Transfer the investment amount to your trading ledger maintained with your broker -> Invest Now -> Confirm Advisory fees payment to Narnolia -> Review & Place order as per the advisory generated in a Single Click.
  4. IV. Monitor your investments and Rebalance, Top-up, or Exit (partially or fully) as per your requirement.

Please note: The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance

The investor has to pay the advisory fees to Narnolia, the RIA (Registered Investment Advisor), for investing in NS Investment Advisory Portfolios. There are no other costs charged by the RIA. Also, the investor can exit anytime, there is no exit load levied by the RIA.

In case you have any query regarding your advisory then you can send a mail to');" > adding broker’s customer care id in the loop.

For queries related to the trading platform or execution you can directly contact your broker . Or, you can alternatively submit your query via the ‘Help & Support Desk’ section. The query will be shared with your broker so that they can connect with you and help you resolve your queries.

Currently, you can invest or approve rebalancing or top-up, withdraw - partially, fully, only during market hours. However, the system allows the user to request even during off-market hours but the same is reflected in alert sections as ‘pending orders’ the next trading day which you can execute during market hours.

1. Go to your Broker's platform and log in with your trading a/c id and select ‘My Investments’ from Menu.

2. Under ‘My Investments’ you will be able to see the summary of your investments in different NS IAP. Click on the portfolio card for details.

3. On clicking, you will be directed to the detailed page of the invested portfolio. Here, you can view the complete details of your invested NS IAP portfolio like ‘Portfolio Overview’, ‘Portfolio wise break-up’, ‘Activity summary’, ‘Order Book’, and ‘Rebalance’.

Please note: The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance.

You can see all the orders executed by you through the Broker during the day through the ‘My Investments Section’ -> Select Invested Portfolio -> ‘Order Book’. Similarly, there is an ‘Alerts’ Menu Section that consolidates all the pending alerts (and Shortage of Stocks and Ledger alerts & Rebalancing alerts) to ensure you are actively informed about the deviation in your invested portfolio and our advisory & research view. The client can review the same and take action.

Please note: The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance.

After you have invested in a NS IAP, you need to regularly align your portfolio as per the investment advisor’s advice and incorporate changes in the underlying portfolio as and when you get rebalancing alerts. This process is called rebalancing. It ensures underlying stocks of a NS IAP continues to reflect the underlying research/investment methodology. Rebalancing is initiated by the Investment Advisor as per the investment strategy and market conditions.

The client will receive an email whenever a rebalance alert is generated by Narnolia’s Research in their invested portfolio on their registered email id with the RIA. Then the client can log into the Broker's website or mobile app to view the alerts generated in the portfolio and execute or reject the same during market hours. The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance.

Once the NS IAP is successfully executed by the client on their Broker's platform, the investor will be directed to the ‘Order Book’ section of that portfolio where they can track the status of their execution on a stock level. In case the order is placed partially then the system will generate the order for the remaining cash balance the next trading day which the investor can view under the ‘Alerts section’ under ‘Pending Orders’ and execute the same during market hours. Once executed, the user can go to the ‘My investments’ section to see the stocks bought and start tracking the NS IAP. In case of any issues, you can contact your broker. The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance.

There are two possible reasons why the investor might not be able to invest.

1. Rejection in your trading account with broker, because of funds not available or stock is currently not available for trading.

2. Low network connectivity while you were placing the order. Additionally, your POA with broker might not be activated due to which you won't be able to place sell orders. Please contact your broker in case of any queries regarding execution.

YES, you can retry. If you have paid the advisory fees, the order will reflect in ‘Alerts section’ under ‘Pending Orders’. You can place the order once you have a clear ledger balance in your trading account or you are in a better network coverage area during market hours.

You can add more money to your existing investment in an NS IAP by logging into your Broker's platform, selecting the portfolio you want to add money in, and clicking on ‘Top-up’ after entering the Investment Amount. Post that, the client needs to make the advisory fees payment to the RIA and then they can review and execute the advisory generated for them by the RIA. The process may vary for different Brokers so request you to please contact your Broker or the Narnolia team for assistance.

You can partially or fully exit/withdraw from your NS IAP investments by selecting the NS IAP after logging in -> Click on Withdraw -> Enter Withdrawal amount -> Submit. In case of partial withdrawal, the specified withdrawal amount needs to be less than the minimum investment amount required for particular NS IAP. When you do a partial withdrawal, stocks are exited to ensure your overall portfolio performance is intact as per the advisor and you are able to get the funds. You can also fully exit from NS IAP anytime. All underlying stocks in that NS IAP will be sold and the funds will be available in your trading account.

Complain Dashboard - Investment Advisory

Data for Every Month Ending - January 2025
Complaints Received From Pending at the end of last month Received Resolved* Total Pending# Pending > 3 Months Avg. Resolution Time ^ (in days)
Directly from InvestorsNilNilNANANANA
Other Sources (if any)NilNilNANANANA
Grand TotalNilNilNANANANA
"^ Average Resolution time is the sum total of time taken to resolve each complaint in days, in the current month divided by total number of complaints resolved in the current month"

Trend of Monthly Disposal of Complaints

Month Carried forward from previous month Received Resolved* Pending#
January- 25NilNilNANA
December- 24NilNilNANA
November- 24NilNilNANA
October- 24NilNilNANA
September- 24NilNilNANA
August- 24NilNilNANA
July- 24NilNilNANA
June- 24NilNilNANA
May- 24NilNilNANA
Apr- 24NilNilNANA
Mar- 24NilNilNANA
Feb - 24NilNilNANA
Jan - 24NilNilNANA
Dec - 23NilNilNANA
Nov - 23NilNilNANA
Oct - 23NilNilNANA
Sep - 23NilNilNANA
Aug - 23NilNilNANA
July - 23NilNilNANA
June - 23NilNilNANA
May - 23NilNilNANA
April - 23NilNilNANA
Mar - 23NilNilNANA
Feb - 23NilNilNANA
Jan - 23NilNilNANA
Dec - 22NilNilNANA
Nov - 22NilNilNANA
Oct - 22NilNilNANA
Sep - 22NilNilNANA
Aug - 22NilNilNANA
July - 22NilNilNANA
Jun - 22NilNilNANA
June - 22NilNilNANA
Apr - 22NilNilNANA
Mar - 22NilNilNANA
Feb - 22NilNilNANA
Jan - 22NilNilNANA
Dec - 21NilNilNANA
Nov- 21NilNilNANA
Oct - 21NilNilNANA
Sep - 21NilNilNANA
Aug - 21NilNilNANA
Jul - 21NilNilNANA
Jun - 21NilNilNANA
April - 21NilNilNANA
Grand TotalNilNilNANA

*Inclusive of complaints of previous months resolved in the current month.
#Inclusive of complaints pending as on the last day of the month.

Trend of Annual Disposal of Complaints

Year Carried forward from previous Year Received Resolved* Pending#
Grand Total00NANA

Disclosure with respect to compliance with Annual compliance audit requirement under Regulation 19(3) of SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (INVESTMENT ADVISERS) REGULATIONS, 2013 for last and current financial year are as under :

Sr. No. Financial Year Compliance Audit Status Remarks, If any
1 FY 2020-21 Conducted Nil
2 FY 2021-22 Conducted Nil
3 FY 2022-23 Conducted Nil
4 FY 2023-24 Conducted Nil
5 FY 2024-25 On going -
Narnolia Research Directory
KYC is a one-time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary. | Investors don’t need to issue cheques while subscribing to IPOs. Just write your bank account number and sign the application form to authorise your bank to make a payment on your behalf in case of allotment. You don’t have to worry about refunds as the money remains in the investor's account. | It has been brought to the notice of SEBI by Central Economic Intelligence Bureau, Department of Revenue, GOI, that certain fraudsters are collecting data of customers who are already into trading either in NSE / BSE and send them bulk messages on the pretext of providing investment tips and luring them to invest with them in their bogus firms by promising huge profits. Hence, the investors are requested to take note of the above and exercise caution and due care. | Process for filing complaints on the SEBI SCORES website: a. Register on SEBI SCORES | b. Mandatory details for filing complaints on SCORES | Name, PAN, Address, Mobile Number, Email ID | c. Benefits: i. Effective Communication ii. Speedy redressal of the grievances

Narnolia Financial Services Ltd (Formerly Narnolia Financial Advisors Ltd); Registered Office Address: Marble Arch, 2nd Floor, Office 201, 236B, A J C Bose Road, Kolkata- 700020; Phone No.-033-40501500; Corporate Office: A-803, 1 Kanakia Wall Street, 8th Floor, Andheri Kurla Road, Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai-40093, Phone No.: +91 22 62701200, Website:, SEBI MERCHANT BANKING - INM 000010791, PMS - INP000006420, RESEARCH ANALYST - INH 300006500, Compliance Officer Details (In Research) : Rana Debnath, Contact No. 022 6270 1200, Email id AMFI - ARN 3087, ROC-CIN: U51909WB1995PLC072876 Read More

Investment in Securities Market is subject to Market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. Past performance may not be indicative of future results and no promise or guarantee can be given for the same. Registration granted by SEBI, enlistment as IA/RA with Exchange and certification from National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors. Performance related information is not verified by SEBI. For grievances kindly mail us at or call us at 022-6270 1200. SEBI Regional office address: 16 Camac Street, L&T Chambers 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700 017

Investors may submit their online complaints on the official SEBI Scores website by clicking here. With regards to physical complaints to the Office of Investor Assistance & Education, Securities & Exchange Board of India, SEBI Bhavan, Plot No C4 A 'G' Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051.

Online Dispute Resolution Portal can be accessed via the following link -


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